AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicI Hate PeopleI Hate Science FictionNASCARThe Sporting Life

A Moment Of Silence

dale earnhardt

Green Bay Packers 31     Pittsburgh Steelers 25 I’ve very likely said this before, but I will say again. There is too much information and not enough knowledge. We are, for the most part, wallowing in a spew of information that despite the use of the word information, is hardly informative, especially when one takes into…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteFORTRAN IVThe Sporting Life

Just A Moment

Chelsea FC bad moment

Chelsea 2     Blackburn Rovers 0 It was just a moment, in a descending series of moments. But it seemed to last forever….a moment that would never end. In a behavioral sense of the word, moment is more or less intended to be quick, finite and have temporal short duration, as in “May I have a…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteNASCARThe Sporting Life

Look Forward In Anger

It’s probably a blessing in more ways than one that my wife and I don’t live in some grim, Northern shithole like Leeds or Bolton or Wolverhampton in merry old England. Instead we dwell up on Military Ridge in the Driftless Zone of SW Wisconsin, a place of releatively more impassioned beauty. But then again,…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicI Hate PeopleI Hate Science FictionThe Sporting Life

Earthers Off Mars NOW!!!

Where the fuck is Qatar?? A lot of odd stuff, random bollocks, and other assorted shite has been happening lately that I can’t begin to comprehend in some cases, and in other cases, even though I comprehend it, I can’t begin to offer any sort of explanation for it. I need a guidebook of some…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteNASCARThe Sporting Life

It’s Talladega Baby!!! Halloween 2010 Edition

It’s Talladega Baby!! And y’all know what that means….after all, the first 2 letters in Talladega aren’t T & A for nuthin’ ya know. And the added bonus is that Talladega is on Halloween, and how scary will THAT be?! Yes? Break out your Jimmy Spencer masks NOW!! But as the fall edition of Talladega…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteFORTRAN IVI Hate Science FictionThe Sporting Life

A Life Of Crime

There has been too much to say and too little to say. Too much time to say it and not enough time get it all down. Too much sports and not enough beat writers…well, actually the real beat writers have been on it. And so have the columnists. And yes, even the journalists, rare though…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicThe Sporting Life

A Day Without Football

The average fan, the general public, the casual viewer of the NFL, is for the most part unaware, or at the very least, not AS aware, of the very imminent potential, possibility, likelihood that there will be no NFL football in 2011. They do not know or realize  the extent of what the pundits, sportswriters,…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteGiant RobotsI Hate MusicNASCARThe Sporting LifeTrains

Going Nowhere

It’s not really the destination that’s important. It’s the journey. So going nowhere is not always a bad thing. Because no matter WHERE you arrive, well…there you are. And along the way, what you have uncovered, discovered, lived and relived determines where you arrive and when, but more importantly, who you are when you arrive…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteNASCARThe Sporting Life

Memes and Memories


I was almost too perfect too even expect it to happen, but it did. Dale Earnhardt Jr. drove the #3 Wrangler Chevrolet to victory in the Subway Jalapeno 250 at Daytona Friday night. It was a car that was an homage and tribute to his late father…a car his father drove to victory many times…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicI Hate PeopleNASCARThe Magic WorldThe Sporting LifeTrains

In Their Own Little Cosmos

Germany 4    England 1 They played like dopey wankers. They were old, they were fat, they were slow, they were a bit too full of themselves as individual stars to play together as a team, and in the end, they were sent packing back to England by a younger, quicker German squad. Sure, Lampard got…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteFORTRAN IVI Hate MusicNASCARThe Sporting Life


I’m not sure if this brief interlude between posts meant that I needed the time to absorb some vital or essential knowledge about motorsports, football, poetry, music which I hate, science fiction which I also hate, or whether this interlude simply resulted from laziness or a lack of courage. Perhaps all of the above. Or…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteGiant RobotsNASCAR

Spoiler Warning

The Gundam always wins! It’s not like I’m going to tell you what happens in some current, new anime show that I happen to be watching at the moment that most of you who will be reading this will never be watching at ANY moment. I could regale you with my latest take on everything…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteGiant RobotsI Hate MusicNASCARThe Sporting Life

Children By The Millions

Alex Chilton

Motorsports are different in Europe. Motorsports are different in Europe. AS are many things sporting, or sportif. Formula 1 vs. NASCAR. It sort of makes me wonder what it would be like if NASCAR actually staged a race in Europe. Hah! I could see it all now….instead of a race at Watkins Glen or Sears…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteNASCARThe Sporting LifeTrains

The Shallow Men

shallow men beleive in luck

Last Sunday, at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana CA, the real 2010 NASCAR season began. The Daytona 500, after all, is a spectacle, an aberration, a crap-shoot, and where one finishes there is a no indication of future performance. ((Yes, I’m talking to YOU Derrike Cope)). The Auto Club 500 last Sunday was a more…