AnimeBeerBoat NerdDull Tedious ShiteFORTRAN IVNASCARThe Sporting LifeTrains

It’s Talladega, Baby!! Fall 2015 Surface Transportation Edition

talladega tits

It’s Talladega, Baby!! And you know what THAT means!!!   Yes indeed, it means exactly what it has meant around here all these years….the things that gives most men a raging boner. But now, this time around, it will also mean things that give some men a raging boner. And no, I’m not referring to…

500 Words Or LessDull Tedious ShiteFORTRAN IVNASCARThe Magic WorldThe Sporting Life

Back To The Butcher

Who needs a focking DeLorean…!!?   Sometimes there is so much, too much, to write about, talk about, think about…and this is one of those times. I’ve painted myself into a corner (again) after all these years and faced with everything I have to and should be talking about, thinking about, and writing about, I…

500 Words Or LessDull Tedious ShiteNASCARThe Sporting Life

Johnny Unitas Is Bewildered

Chelsea 1     Southampton 3   I was planning to write a long-form essay on the various perils and turmoils of two cities in England….that would be Dallas and Fort Worth for those of you keeping score down at The Firehouse in Mount Horeb WI where I dropped by yesterday to have a beer or three…